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Wooden Chopping Board VS Plastic Chopping Board

Your primary work surface in your kitchen is non-other than your cutting board. A Chef’s single most important tool in a kitchen is the Chef’s Knife. Most don’t realize that knives and cutting boards are partners in crime. Therefore not only should your cutting board be of good quality it should not damage your knives. 

Food Borne illnesses are caused by cross-contamination. Meaning that by cutting up raw chicken and then using the same cutting board to slice vegetables for a salad, you run the risk of contamination. 

Bacteria from the chicken is transferred to the vegetables. 

My Butchers Block has the perfect solution for you! My Butchers Block 3-in-1 Chopping board.

A multi-functional chopping board that saves you the hassle of cleaning the chopping board in between use. 

The main cutting board has a large surface area for easy cutting, chopping, and preparing fruit and veggies, with the other two boards neatly stored inside the large board. Both the smaller boards are ideally used for meat and are manufactured with grooves to catch any juices during preparation. They’re also individually labeled for ease of use. 

What is the best cutting board for your kitchen?

We compare plastic with wood. 

Plastic is easier to clean, dishwasher safe, and resistant to bacteria because it is not porous. But most people do not take into account the scars a knife leaves on a plastic board from cutting and daily use. Those scars become a breeding ground for bacteria and extremely hard to clean.

Deon Cliver (Godfather of cutting board food safety) says; Unlike wood, plastic has no inherent antiseptic properties. Hardwood is fine-grained. The capillary action of those fine grains pull-down fluid, trapping bacteria – which are killed off as the board dries after cleaning – Ben Chapam a food safety researcher at NC State. 

Hardwood also doesn’t scar easily therefore no need to replace it often. If you are diligent with upkeep. 

Benefits of a Wooden Cutting Board

  • Wooden Cutting Boards Are Durable
  • Gentle on Knives
  • Sanitary – check out our woodcare instructions and products 
  • Aesthetically Pleasing 

The cons of the wooden cutting board

  • Requires Some Upkeep – But we have made it very easy for you. Check out our woodcare range and instructions on how to look after your wooden chopping board. 
  • Heavy and Unwieldy – We have a variety of sizes that you can choose from to suit your kitchen and you. 

Plastic Cutting Boards – Pro

  • Inexpensive 
  • Lightweight and Space Efficient

Plastic Cutting Boards – Cons

  • No inherent antiseptic properties, therefore unsanitary once knife cuts into the plastic. 
  • Hard to clean once used as bacteria will sit in the knife cuts. 
  • Gets Dinged Up and Has To Be Replaced
  • Will Hurt Your Knife

It is very important to choose your cutting board wisely, we hope we were able to guide you. 

Check out our shop for all our wooden cutting board options. 

Compiled by Daniela Toth
